Wild Rose
Draft Horse Association

Youth Scholarship

The Wild Rose Draft Horse Association has organized the Annual Youth Scholarship.


a)     Participants must be members for at least 2 years
b)     This Scholarship is available to any youth between the ages of 15 – 21 as of January 1, 2025.
c)     The money may be used for education at any post secondary institution.  (The directors of the Wild Rose Draft Horse Association will make the final decision of the approval of the institution)
d)     It may be used for tuition in clinics directly related to horses.  (The directors of the Wild Rose Draft Horse Association will make the decision as to whether a clinic is related to horses.)


Impromptu Speech Rules:

a)     Participants will have 3 topics to choose from
b)     Cannot speak on the same subject
c)     15 seconds will be given to pick a topic
d)     1 minute will be given to prepare
e)     Must speak a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 3 minutes
f)     Participants may be asked to answer questions on their chosen topic from the floor.


1st.    $300.00          2nd     $200.00           3rd     $100.oo



The speech will be judged on:

a)     Content 60%
b)     Delivery 40%

Two independent judges have been selected.

To enter please call Barb Stephenson @ 403-933-5765 or email

You may call your breed secretary to enter as well.  Entries will be taken up to January 31, 2025.

 2025 Annual General Meeting

Our scheduled AGM will take place on February 1, 2025.  It will be held at the Cow Palace in Olds. 


8:30 am                       Registration – with coffee, tea and danishes
10:00 am                     AGM
12:00 pm                     Meal
1:30 pm                       Individual Breed Meetings
3:00 – 5:00 pm           Hospitality Event w/bar and snacks

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